Robe LEDBeam 150 units added to stock !!

The best things come in small packages, now with zoom included. ROBIN® LEDBeam 150 is the answer with fast sweeping beams and a wide far-reaching quality wash in compact housing. Attractive colorful chases and smooth transitions are powered by a cluster of high power multichip 30W RGBW LEDs. The spectacular zoom range of 3,8° to…

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Robe Spiiders added to stock !!

Robe Spiider, a superbright next generation of LED WashBeam luminaires, using 18x 30 Watt and 1x 60 Watt LEDs and combining it with a very efficient 12,5:1 zoom optical system ranging from tight 4° Beam to wide 50° Wash, makes the product the most powerful LED fixture on the market. Beautiful convergence of hard edge…

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